Monday, November 10, 2008

Why I love Kingdom of Loathing. Part 1 (of many)

Dear Blog,

If you didn't know, I play a game called Kingdom of Loathing. OK, OK. It's more of an addiction. KoL is a Browser-Based, Stick Figure, humourous Role Playing Game (BBSFHRPG ?) You create a character from one of the following archetypes:
  1. Disco Bandit (A combination of a thief and archer)
  2. Accordian Thief (Bard-type)
  3. Seal Clubber (Barbarian-like fighter)
  4. Turtle Tamer (Another fighter-type. With some great Ranger-like skills)
  5. Pastamancer (Spell-slinger. With pasta. Um... Rotini?)
  6. Sauceror (Another spell-slinger, but saucier)
You then take on various, assorted and sundry quests, given to you from the Council of Loathing
Which leads up the the ultimate quest of killing the Naughty Sorceress:

Spooky isn't she?

At that point, you free the King (Did I mention the quest was to free the king?), do something called Ascending (which is a Reincarnation experience) and start out again at level one. But slightly more powerful the next time around.

It can be a grindfest, of sorts, depending on how you play, but the creator, Zach "Jick" Johnson has done an excellent job of keeping the content fresh and exciting.

I'll go into specific parts of KoL (and other games) in future posts.

For now... Go visit! Create a character! And at level 3, you can join a clan. Might I recommend "Rotini's House of Pasta". Best damn clan in KoL ;)

Thanks for reading!


Anonymous said...

i agree Rotini's House of Pasta is the best clan in the world

Anonymous said...

WOOO! Disco Bandit PWNZERS! Hehehe, Kingdomofloathing is definitly a fun and refreshing game. It heals aches and pains from the real world with whacky animations and strange combat items and pets. A game worth playing, or atleats trying it out.