Monday, November 10, 2008

Do we really care with whom Lindsay Lohan is sleeping?

I mean seriously. I know she's cute. She used to be stunning, but years of cocaine parties et al takes a lot out of a girl.

Today, Yahoo "News" reports that Lindsay officially "Came Out" and admitted that she and Samantha Ronson are indeed a couple (and in love..)

a) I don't care.
b) Have you seen a pic of Samantha Ronson? She did VERY well for herself by scoring Lindsay...

On your left is Samantha Ronson (with former Paris Hilton BFF Ni
cole Ritchie)
(Samantha is the one that looks like a boy.)

On the right is Lindsay.

Outpunt the defense much, Sam? ;)

So, what does this all mean?

Not much, really. I just hope the womynz are happy with each other. I still don't care that they're a couple, though.


Anonymous said...

i agree I've long since stopped caring about celebrity affairs, mainly since they are very boring, if they'd happen to someone i know (and have)i still wont (and didn't) care very much... except for one time when the person turned out to be straight...

Lord Dragon said...

What two (or more) people do in the privacy of their own bedroom is their own business as long as they don't do it in the street and scare the horses.outai