Saturday, November 22, 2008

OK, I am seriously tired of Late-Night TV

Note to advertisers:

I do not have mesothelioma.
I do not have a structured settlement that I need paid out.
I do not have student loans from college that I need to pay off.
I don't need Lasik eye surgery
I don't need a loan consolidation.
I certainly do not need to meet sexy singles in my area tonight!

Why do advertisers believe that we're all sick, poor, blind and horny (and watching late-night TV)? I mean, seriously. I watch a lot of late-night TV. I watch anime every Saturday on Adult Swim on Cartoon Network. I watch bad movies almost every night, on any number of channels.

Please, please, please for the love of all that's holy... Let's target late-night ads to a younger audience.


saneroz said...

I hate to be the one to point this out Rotini, but the advertisers ARE targeting your demographic... late 30's to late 40's. Not that I need/want to lose weight, use viagra, or watch girls gone wild, but alas... it seems the majority do :-(

Mike W. (Rotini) said...

Noooo! I don't need the Viagra when I'm watching the Girls gone wild.

I'm not THAT olde yet :)