Elves Defeated: | 2,943,493 |
Elves Cured: | 1,304,282 |
Penguins Defeated: | 3,320,304 |
Penguins Bribed: | 395,240 |
So, there are two new characters in Crimbo that you should be aware of. One is the Mutant whistle-carving elf (pictured on the left).
There are two things he drops, limbos gingerbread, and rarely, an Elven Whittling Knife. The knife drops pretty rarely (Today - 116 whistle carvers, 56 Limbos and two knives, running at +279% item drops). No one is really sure of what the knives do, but the do extra damage on critical hits, if nothing else.
The second guy is on the Penguiny side of Crimbo, a Mob Penguin hitpenguin. He drops Canteens of Wine and Depleted Grimacite Kneecapping Sticks. The kneecappers give +3% to Critical Hit rates, which is pretty significant... They seem to drop at the same rate as the Elven Knives (somewhere .25% - .5% of the time).
Thanks for reading, and go kill some Penguins!